As we all know where Indonesia is a tropical country which has a relatively high rainfall and has very fertile soil. Our country has a vast land, it is very encouraging us to develop business in the plantations. Various attempts were very promising plantation including citrusGLOBALBOLA.COM AGEN BOLA PIALA DUNIA 2014 SBOBET IBCBET CASINO POKER TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA plantations, durian, mangosteen, rambutan, mango, clove, coffee, rubber, coconut, banana, etc..
In addition, our country has a fairly extensive mountainous land, this is perfect planted trees / wood plants that do not need intensive care. Tamaman wood can also absorb water in the rainy season and release springs in the dry season. This is very helpful maintenance danpengaturan climate existing water discharge. Suitable timber plants grown in the mountainous regions including teak, acacia, mahogany, albizia (sengon), rosewood, trumbesi, etc..
Quality and service is our priority as your partner. We CV.MITRA BREEDING provide various types of seeds and seed plants, such as wood crops, fruit trees, herb plants, plant perindang, etc..
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Eko Marwanto - Director
For Booking or Information About Seeds & Seedlings Plants Please Contact
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Jl. Pecan-Karangduwur, Ds. Karangduwur, district. Pecan, Kab. PurworejoBerawal of the year 2010, the team of PT Pertamina EP Asset csr 2 Lemons Field saw the potential and determination as well as the interest of a group of village residents work Majesty the District Central City Prabumulih Rambang ax against the breeding of catSARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAtle farming. In line with the company's commitment to participate and advance the communities in which we work, then the company started initiation csr-based environmental development program titled cattle farming.
The program begins with training about procedures and methods raise cattle correct. Trainee is a group of farmers, Dawn of the village of Karya Mulya Mulya coordinated by Sugeng, as the head of the village at that time. 10 members, this group also received assistance in the form of 10 head of cattle.
The company continues to oversee the activities of the groups, and the group also provides excellent feedback to the company. Although with the feed and or enclosure which simply of their own, the cows were given a well cared for and able to breed.
Looking at the performance of the farmers' group, the company re-provide assistance in the form of making the expansion of the cage and feed in 2011.
Not stopping at breeding cows, farmer groups Fajar Mulya apparently has the initiative to learn the process of converting cow manure into biogas. Given that cow dung is not reproduced a little, they began to collect and learn to process them witBUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA h a simple device into biogas. Seeing this excellent initiative, the company welcomed the progress of the program. So that in 2012, the company helps in support of making biogas reactor.
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